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What is a Fly Tipper?

A “fly-tipper” is someone who deliberately deposits rubbish in an unauthorised place; this is also known as fly-tipping. 

Fly tippers are unfortunately commonly found across England, and the number of culprits continues to grow. The majority of fly-tippers tend to illegally dump their rubbish on the country’s highways (pavements and roads). However, many recorded fly-tipping incidents occur on privately owned land, affecting landlords and company owners. 

Fly traders are one of the many sources that commit this offence on private land and property. We remain determined to help combat fly-tipping incidents with our fly tip removal services.

Fly Tipping vs Littering

Fly tipping and littering are very similar, and the simplest way to distinguish between the two is by the quantity and type of waste being dumped. Littering tends to consist of leaving or dropping household rubbish, such as plastic bags or food packaging.

On the other hand, fly-tipping is when individuals dump large items or waste into public or private areas. This could include fridges, washing machines and other large objects. 

Fly tipping is illegal under the Environmental Protection Act 1990, and culprits who commit this crime can receive a maximum fine of £50,000 and/or up to five years in prison. However, despite there being rather large fines and sentences in place, fly tippers still persist in dumping their rubbish in unauthorised locations. 

Both fly tipping and littering have a negative impact on the surrounding environment. Not only can rubbish kill the local wildlife, but it can also be dangerous for children. On top of these adverse effects, bad smells and the attraction of pests are both commonly caused by fly-tipping.

Key Fly Tipping Statistics for 2019-2020

The following information was recorded by local authorities in England for April 2020 to March 2021.

During the 2020/21 year, local authorities dealt with 1.13 million fly-tipping incidents across England, which is an increase of 16% from the 980,000 reported the previous year. 

Although there has been an increase in the number of fly-tippers that exist with each passing year, authorities have recorded fewer fixed penalty notices, and fewer court fines have been issued. 

In total, there was a decrease of 18,000 enforcement actions from 2019/20 to 2020/21, and a 24% decrease in fixed penalty notices issued between the same years, according to government data. In addition, the number of court fines issued decreased by a huge 51% between 2019 and 2020.

How Fly Traders & Fly Tippers are Related

The act of fly trading is when fly traders illegally occupy property or land, often car parks, and use the business’s customers to sell their own product and/or service.

Dealing with fly traders is a regular problem for many landlords across the country. Many fly traders are under the impression that what they are doing is fairly harmless. However, it not only negatively affects the victims’ brand image but can also leave the property needing an expensive clean-up once they have left. Deliberately leaving behind a large amount of waste on private land like this counts as fly-tipping.

How MS Webb Can Help You with Fly Tipping Problems

Here at MS Webb, we are committed to helping you with a variety of common problems you may face. This includes fly-tipping.

MS Webb offers a fly trader eviction service that is carried out by a team of highly trained professional security agents. This team of experienced agents will handle the eviction process both efficiently and amicably, leaving you more time to focus on what matters.

Not only will any illegal occupants be removed from your property, but 99% of all the collected fly-tipped rubbish will be recycled. If you are worried that the fly traders will return, MS Webb can also provide ongoing security services to keep your premises secure and clean. 

Below are some of the other services we offer at MS Webb that can help with fly traders and fly-tipping:

  1. Bailiff and security services

  2. Waste removal and site clean-ups

  3. Property management solutions

  4. CCTV and intruder alarm system management

  5. Installation of concrete blocks and bollards

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